
We understand the unique needs of local businesses and the challenges they face. That’s why our mediation services are designed to provide straightforward, effective solutions to workplace conflicts. With a team of experienced mediators, we specialise in resolving a variety of issues that may arise in the workplace.

Why Mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process that provides a secure environment for individuals to collaboratively tackle workplace conflicts. Our mediators, specialise in resolving workplace issues, guide a structured dialogue for a fair and impartial resolution. This process is entirely independent, regardless of the referrer or who covers the mediation costs.

Mediation can effectively address a variety of workplace conflicts, including:

  • Personality clashes
  • Disputes over business ideas, decisions, or actions
  • Leadership conflicts
  • Bullying, discrimination, or harassment issues
  • Cultural clashes
  • Workplace violence concerns

Our mediators work diligently to help parties:

  • Act as facilitators for direct negotiations between conflicting parties
  • Identify and define issues at the core of the dispute
  • Suggest tailored dispute resolution techniques to narrow down issues effectively
  • Implement procedures for swift, fair, and cost-effective resolutions

As a purely Tasmanian business, we deeply understand the unique dynamics and challenges faced by local industries.

Our mediators bring a wealth of experience in workplace rehabilitation and injury prevention, making them adept at handling workplace grievances.

We are committed to resolving conflicts efficiently and cost-effectively.

Let us help resolve your workplace conflict fast, effectively,
and sustainably with our expert mediation services.